In this section called — terms and conditions organisation refers to implexedu an educational unit of implexcart international individual refer to students/ as pirents or stakeholders services refers to the online education services provided by implexedu and products also mean the same agreement refers to the common agreement between students admission seekers and the organisation the main terms and conditions are as follows.                                         

1– this terms and conditions clause para will be applicable to all the students seeking for accepting purchasing products services from implexedu.  Violating all any must some of these forms and conditions ables the organisation to concer his her association with the organisation with or without any preinformation .                   

2– all the students will be very careful in the class they are not allowed to use any illicit words abasiv words. All the students will be strictly prohibited to pass or tend to take their personal date information as well as off others .                            

3 all the students are strictly prohibited to use any religions communal centimetres of others ar to use any tint symbols marks prints that can hurt the feeling of others.          

 4 — all the students would create a sound educational atmosphere.      

5 all the students will join their classes regularly they will not leave the class untill and unless the pre information of the class addmission.        

6 all the students aspirents have to participate in the free test monthly paid test quarterly paid test .       

7 — all the students who face any hurdle will have to inform the class admin or admin implexidu.on .           

8 — all the students have to wear I’d cord sent to them by the organisation just within 30 days counting from the admission if any of the
Students misses his/ her  I’d card he / she will have to pay 50 additional in order to get an additional I’d card.                       9— all the students have keep their mobile charges they have to make their availability sure in the network area implexedu will not be liable to the network  issue wifi issue power issue.                       10— though implexedu hires it’s leatures after a very responsive process off hiring inspite off that the organisation will not be liable to the activities performed by its leaturers .                11— all the students while learning/ reading through our exuservices have to keep their vidio on speaker on .                12 all the students while learning/ reading will have to be in a lone room  peaceful room area .              13— all the students have to wear a proper simple dress while learning through our services.          14— all the students will have to complete their class task .            15— all the students will have to participate in the doubt classes orgonozid at least a day in a week .

16— all the students are strictly prohibited to use any mans of interntainment which can hamper the learning process of others in the class room.                17— all the students are strictly advised to use proper books or suggested books by our teachers.                 18— generally we believe in upward and downward communication system but implexedu keeps an unclaimable right to change this communication system into a single way communication system.       19— all the students are expected to work for the betterment of the orgonization.                  20— all such students who are selected for work sop will have to bear the additional fee .      21— the subscription fee paid by the students is yearly fee but it does not mean the fees paid for next 13 months it only means bye the period of the ending  of session 2023 it means very clearly March 2023 ar the   taking place  off conseative examination in these both points of time which one comes earlier will be applicable.      22— in the compitition zone the early tenure means the time period the particular batch of approx 12 months in some cases it can be closed in a month even and I some cases it may goes upto is month s implexedu can not be responsible the period of 12 months it can either be shortened or prolonged not any students can claim regarding this.                   23– we use a refund a policy also if any stake do / does subscriber students wants to be refunded he / she / they will have to claim only his hours just country  from the time off admission only this time period passes shall not be responsible for any refund/ return.             24— though our teachers are very terned and experienced but due to the human nature he/ she/they may be mistake n it must  not be recorded to defame us.       25— all the students will have to visitor social channel to percept their class teaching specially.      26— on video means off social an manication all the students have to respect the privacy of others.            27— all the students have to maintain deseclpline / silence in the live class.      28— all the students while questioning their acedemy will have to follow the courtesy rules.    29— all the students while communication with class claim and other officors of implexedu will have to use only hindi and English as a communicative language.              30— all the students declare that they will follow the instructs rules and regulation to be passed time to time for the betterment of the orgonization and that off educational standerd of the students.

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